Mainly used branches

Workflow details

  1. Fork visualpython repository as your remote repository

    On Github, you can just fork it clicking 'Fork' button on the upper-right side of the page.

  2. Clone your forked repository on local environment

    $ git clone [your-repository-link]
  3. Work on 'devops' branch

    $ git checkout devops
  4. Add original repository as upstream

    ## check remote repository list
    $ git remote -v
    ## add upstream
    $ git remote add upstream <>
  5. Stage your changes and Commit it

    # check status
    $ git status
    # stage all changes (or specific files' path)
    $ git add .
    # commit all changes
    $ git commit -m "#issue_number - commit comments..."
    # example
    $ git commit -m "#54 - Frame fixed"
  6. keep in touch with upstream(original repository) by fetching it

    ## fetch upstream
    $ git fetch upstream
    ## rebase before push (after commit all changes you made)
    $ git rebase upstream/devops
  1. Push codes and Request merge

    $ git push origin devops

    Request merge on GitHub page with detailed description of commits.

Git Cheatsheet

Git Cheat sheet

Error and Solution

  1. remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.